Hi, I'm Aeryk Payne.

Interaction + 3D designer

Hi, I'm Aeryk Payne

I’m a interactive + 3D designer and avid snowboarder living in Greenville SC. I currently work as a designer at Erwin Penland
and in my spare time my friends and I make some cool things as nicer studio. Always learning, and sometimes making some cool stuff along the way.

I’m always up for a challenge and ready to tackle any creative conundrum.

Skills & Awards

Through my education and work experience I have gained profiency in Creative Suites, Sketch, 3D modeling, and front end development. Some people have been so kind as to recognize these skills.

  • EP Workplace Recognition (2016)
  • Best in Desgin NKO (2016)
  • Regional Addy Award (2015)

Curriculum Vitae

2013 //

Joined the Vintage staff as a Designer. Working with a team of 18 people to create a 400 page annual for Bob Jones University.

2014 //

Promoted to lead Designer of Vintage. Interned at Erwin Penland where I continued on as a freelance designer while finishing schooling.

2015 //

Interned at CoWork, now Atlas Local. Graduated in May 2015 with a BFA in Graphic Design. Hired on as a Studio Designer for Erwin Penland. Intern designer & product manager for Arbitrary.io

2016 //

Promoted to Visual Designer at Erwin Penland. Started up nicer studio with a few close friends. Published my first app, blox, in the App Store, woot woot.

2017 //

Now an AD at Erwin Penland. Published READ • A • BILL, and prepping for the release of slackch.at in February.

Find More Online:

I spend a good bit of my day online working or playing. You can find me on dribbble, twitter or BeHance usually while listening to rdio. man, still miss them . . .